Sunday, September 28, 2008

More fun with Big Mama, Aunt Wee, Reeder, and Hayes

Sometimes I am the cutest thing ever...especially when I am snuggling with my Mama. The rumor is that I will have to share these snuggles soon but I refuse to acknowlege it.
I went to an awesome farm for Maddie and Ada's birthdays...I got to feed goats and I told Big Mama...'look at those horses, let's go check 'em out!'

My mom and I have cool shades...if only my mom had a cool strawberry hat too!
The really loved riding the pony...I kept saying giddy up!
And then I convinced my very pregnant mom to walk across a rope bridge with me. I really enjoyed the adventure, my mom thought it was a bit much for a woman in her current condition!
And then I convinced Big Mama to take the rope bridge to the tree fort. She even carried me piggyback down the stairs from the fort.
Check out my mommy's belly in the background...
Big Mama makes great cookies and I love to lick the beater...

We went hiking on my mommy's due hour away in Rocky Mountain National Park. We figured it was sure to start her labor but no such luck.

Big Mama wanted to see the Stanley Hotel...she says it is often a clue in her crossword puzzles.
On the steps of the Stanley Hotel....spooky!

Hayes jumping in the doorway of 'my house'...I am really into everything being mine...including baby hayes. Reeder and I love to wear helmets...sometimes for bike riding...sometimes when we are standing on the front porch steps...sometimes when we are watching videos...
In the you like my boots?
At the park...with the super cute baby Hayes. He makes Reeder and I look positively grumpy all day...he smiles, laughs, coos, and is otherwise ridiculously cute....
I was having one heck of a hair day. In my defense we were just headed to the coffee shop and got waylaided by the beautiful weather and the park.
Oh here that amazingly cute Hayes again...he even has Big Mama head over heels in out Papa Jerry!
Reeder and I can count to ten...or at least Reeder can...and I like to do whatever she does. I knew my ABCs until the letter D before she arrived but now I can say it all the way to LMNOZ...
I was so excited at the top of the slide that I tried to jump my way down the slide...needless to say I bumped my head and ended up least my Papa is smiling.


The Life and Times of Poose and Hawk said...

Welcome to blogger world! Hopefully we'll be welcoming the newest addition soon!

Shan said...

First off.... are those MY sunglasses your mommy is wearing?
Eden, you can tell the truth here.

Bet you are glad Aunt Wee is there to play with you....

Looks like you are having fun!