The whole gang including Opa went trick or treating on Pearl Street. We managed to bring no candy home from the event. Between Princess Jasmine I and Princess Jasmine II, the candy barely made it into the bag. Hayes went as the genie and Leo was Abu...quite the festive bunch.
In honor of Reeder and Hayes' attendance at Halloween, we threw a pumpkin carving, cupcake decorating, apple bopping, funny clothes wearing party...
Papa was in charge of the giant pumpkin.
Yep, this is the funny clothes part of the party. Reeder insisted that we looked like Princess Jasmine, I had my doubts.
Hayes is very afraid of his likeness, created by his loving mother.
We bobbed for animals. Reeder had practice at a CA party and taught everyone else how it is done.
I learned from Reeder...she is standing behind me coaching my every effort.
I love every word of everything! Keep em coming, Smirvin kiddos!
the baby was so cute and adorable..i wish i could have baby as cute as yours.
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